Routines and rituals — good or bad?
What do Jane Austen, Igor Stravinsky, Franz Kafka, Benjamin Franklin, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Stephen King, Sylvia Plath and Maya Angelou have in common?
What do Jane Austen, Igor Stravinsky, Franz Kafka, Benjamin Franklin, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Stephen King, Sylvia Plath and Maya Angelou have in common?
I sat on the floor in the living room, staring at the phone. I was supposed to call about a job. But couldn’t make it happen. Because I had this limiting belief that rejection was inevitable.
Memories are what defines us as persons. Sharing memories defines us as a community or tribe. Connects us with others. Helps us know who we are.
On one end is total clutter that buries us in stuff. On the other is minimalism with no (or just a few) possessions. Where do you land on that scale?
I once said: “I’m tired of being in school after 14 years. I want to go and do something else for a while. I’m done learning.” A while later I was headed for college…
Hiking in the Swiss Alps sounded like a really fun thing to do. Sunny day, good company. Everything so perfect. And I almost died that day.
Frasier Crane would say “I’m listening” and pretty much not. Do you feel like that’s happening around you? How do we listen to actually hear others, making them feel understood?
First one, then another, and another. Daffodils in bloom. That burst of color shouted “Spring” to me like nothing else could.
What do an old man, an 18-year-old guy and live broadcast television have to do with how to live life?
Making sense. Sorting it out. Living.
We’re on this journey called life and get to figure it out as we go along. Looking at Life, Faith, Stuff and how they interact in the crossroads of life.
As Yoda would say: “Choose carefully, we must.”
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