words to make a difference
Almost imperceptibly the train starts moving. Very gently it eases out from the platform. The adventure is beginnning.
What happens when you put 275 or so writers and bloggers into a room for a weekend?
When the Berlin Wall went up on August 13, 1961, I was 300 miles away in Sweden. I was 6. And had a terrible time figuring this whole thing out.
Train station in very late evening. The waiting room slowly fills. Clearly there are a bunch of people getting on the Texas Eagle tonight, bound for St Louis and Chicago.
I went to a 50th wedding anniversary celebration last weekend. That’s a long time. A lot of life passing by.
Recently I discovered that “cosmopolitan” apparently is a bad word to some people. Silly me, I always thought a cosmopolitan person was someone who’d been places, different cities, different cultures, different countries and who moved with ease in them all.
So many people I meet mention that they want to write a book. Maybe even vaguely dream of being discovered as the next F. Scott Fitzgerald or Hemingway or Stephen King.
When I grew up, long before the internet and Facebook, pre-teens and teens were encouraged to have pen pals.
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