2 book series that will expand your world
A book series focuses on a longer story arc or common characters. It’s an opportunity to go on a longer journey and discover the story and its world more deeply.
A book series focuses on a longer story arc or common characters. It’s an opportunity to go on a longer journey and discover the story and its world more deeply.
Summer brings many things. One is often a bit more time to read. For fun and entertainment. To widen our horizons. To dive into another dimension. To explore life and ourselves.
Summer is a good time for reading. By the pool, at the lake, on the deck, in the backyard … Here are 7 recommendations for your enjoyment.
I heard that phrase a long time ago. It still holds true. Maybe why I like biographies. Because the lives of real people and how things played out is more interesting and engaging than any piece of fiction.
Making sense. Sorting it out. Living.
We’re on this journey called life and get to figure it out as we go along. Looking at Life, Faith, Stuff and how they interact in the crossroads of life.
As Yoda would say: “Choose carefully, we must.”
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You’ll also get fiction writing, insights and thoughts — for making a difference in your life — right in your inbox.
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You’ll also get fiction writing, insights and thoughts — for making a difference in your life — right in your inbox.
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