The dream job
I landed my dream job as a video and film producer with a growing production company, located in a medieval castle, complete with a moat. Perfect, right?
So why did I leave after just a few months?
I landed my dream job as a video and film producer with a growing production company, located in a medieval castle, complete with a moat. Perfect, right?
So why did I leave after just a few months?
Labor Day is about celebrating workers. Because if nobody worked, we wouldn’t eat, have anywhere to live or much of anything else. Labor makes life possible.
Making sense. Sorting it out. Living.
We’re on this journey called life and get to figure it out as we go along. Looking at Life, Faith, Stuff and how they interact in the crossroads of life.
As Yoda would say: “Choose carefully, we must.”
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You’ll also get fiction writing, insights and thoughts — for making a difference in your life — right in your inbox.
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