words to make a difference
We’re born. Somewhere. A geographic location. Then we move. Sometimes across a border. We become immigrants.
It’s far less likely that some foreign terrorist is going to come blow up my house or business than that I will do something myself to derail and mess it up.
How often do you stop and look up at the sky at night? Quite possibly not that often. Because we tend to be in a hurry to get home. It’s dark. And there’s nothing to see up there anyway. Except there is …
It was a time of change. It was a time of keeping things the same.
“Change is inevitable. Change is constant.” ― Benjamin Disraeli
The scene: A glass with water in it. The water is at the half-way mark. Which leads to a crucial question: Is the glass half empty? Or is it half full? Which could make all the difference.
A friend commented: “When I go visit relatives, we don’t talk politics. That way we can all still stay friends.” Another friend declared: “Oh, I don’t discuss my faith. That’s personal.” Silence falls.
Communication can be difficult, even on a good day. Because we say ‘yes’ when we mean ‘no’ and the other way around. And sometimes, a word just doesn’t mean what you think it means.
In life there are winners and there are losers. There are those who strike it rich and those who “live in a van down by the river”. That’s just life. Or is it?
Frasier Crane would say “I’m listening” and pretty much not. Do you feel like that’s happening around you? How do we listen to actually hear others, making them feel understood?
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